Qeveria Japoneze eshte duke zbatuar fazen e dyte te projektit te saj ne Parkun Kombetar Divjake-Karavasta dhe grupi i eksperteve te JICA i cili po vijon punen ka hapur thirrjen per nje vend te lire pune si Asistent Teknik Lokal.
Aplikantet duhet te jene njohes shume te mire te gjuhes angleze. Te interesuarit duhet te dergojne CV e tyre ne kete adrese email- [email protected]
The JICA Expert Team (JET) to the RAPA-JICA Project:
“Capacity building for improving Ecosystem-Based Management on Divjake-Karavasta National Park” seeks, Local Technical Assistant Key Responsibility:
Selection Criteria:
Formal qualifications & CV required. Email your applications to Mr. Nishimoto Goro, [email protected] Closing date for the application is on the 04.08.2021 Only shortlisted candidates will be notified